Good Travel Hygiene Tips for Backpackers and Tourists

Good Travel Hygiene Tips: With the recent health crisis news, it’s more essential than ever to ensure you are practicing proper hygiene, most especially those traveling. Being fit, hygienic, and healthy whilst traveling is crucial to ensure that you’re not posing a threat to your health or others.


Wash the hands regularly: Regular hand washing is crucial to maintaining good hygiene. We use our hands for almost everything. Their regular use means that they can attract dirt and bacteria easily. The hands have the prospect of transferring bacteria not just to us but also to others. Regularly hand washing before and after touching things will help to save not just us but others from dirt, bacteria, and other harmful infections.

Hand sanitizing: since you cannot travel with soap and water, it is advisable to pack your hand sanitizer in other to sanitize your hands, In case you touch things that are not hygienic, a small bottle of hand sanitizer can be put in your pockets, or handbags. Hand sanitizer is the most effective form of sterilization as the bacteria can’t develop resistance to the effects of the alcohol.

The use of a mask: In other to stay hygienic both for you and others ensure you wear a mask because of dirt, and dust,  and when you want to cough and sneeze, ensure you sneeze and cough in a tissue or towel to prevent the spread of bacteria and infections to other passengers.

Regular mouthwash: The mouth is another key possible access point for bacteria. Regular brushing can break down bacteria that accumulate in the mouth and also leaves the mouth fresh thereby producing fresh breath both to you and people around you.

Stay hydrated: Being hydrated keeps your spit levels up to assist your body’s natural protection. Hydration is required for all your body’s operations including the immune system. Without regular hydration, the body will be weaker and the capability to manage with un-hygienic environments will be worse. Drinking lots of water is always your body’s supporter when it comes to building up your immunity.

Don’t touch your face: Try keeping your hands out of your face. There are bacteria in the hands, and they need to be kept away from the face, ears, nose, and even mouth. The dirt on the face can cause Eczema or even skin breakouts, these channels can inject bacteria into the bloodstream or intestines.

Anti-bacterial Mouth wash and regular brushing: The mouth is another possible entry point for dangerous bacteria. Regular brushing breaks down bacterial build-ups that accumulate in the mouth. Brushing and the use of anti-bac mouthwash will keep the bacterium that causes oral disease and bad breath away, as well as other types of bacteria seeking entrance to your body. Pack your toothbrush and mouthwash for your hygienic holiday. It is advised to keep your hands out of your face.

Always use your tissue: Coughing and sneezing are natural so if you need to cough, or sneeze when traveling, you should always have tissues on hand to cover your mouth and nose. The used tissue should be quickly disposed of in a bin. Never put them back into your pocket or bag to use again and avoid using handkerchiefs because it is meant to be disposed of unless you want to buy a pack of handkerchiefs.

Keep warm: Yes it is important to have the air-conditioner going to help circulate the air and remove any airborne diseases, it’s also important to not get too exposed to cold. Staying warm will help your immune system stop you from getting sick, so before you travel, get your thick clothes, socks, gloves, blankets, and sweaters ready.

Be cautious of what you eat: Whilst traveling, you might be hungry. The only thing worse than infection by touching is infection by swallowing. Make sure the food you eat is properly cooked, in a clean environment, or even hot. Please, bear in mind that food poisoning can happen anywhere.

Keep your Sanitary Kit Handy: it is best to keep the sanitary kits within reach. Quip your kit with gentle cleansers, natural wipes, period products like cups organic sanitary pads, and a sanitizer. Having your sanitary kit ready at all times makes travel hygiene much easier.


Have extra Underwear: It is important to have extra underwear to change as you can. Dirty and wet underwear are dangerous to the private parts, and can also lead to irritation, rashes, and severe extreme despair. Having extra sets also protects you in case you get wet in the rain or during a trip near a water body. You are saved from catching a cold or worse, a bacterial infection.

Carry Hot or Warm Water: Carry hot water in a flask while traveling this is a great way to eliminate pathogens. Hot or warm water is good for washing cuts, also to keep you warm, and also clear mucus from the throat in case of dust.

Water Disinfectant Drops or Capsules: Clean water is often difficult to come across when you’re traveling. This could be because of long road journeys with public toilets, or trips to remote, proper sanitation. So, to make sure that the water you are using is germ-free, carry water disinfectant drops or capsules with you. All you have to do is put a few drops or capsules of your water cleaner. This will make sure that there is no room for germs or any nasty infection during your travel.

First aid kit: A common cause of infection and disease are wounds that haven’t been treated properly, which is why it’s essential to have some medications and first aid products on hand while traveling. The ideal first aid travel kit should include things such as bandages, alcohol, and ointment for cuts and wounds, but it should also include painkillers, as well as medication for common ailments.

These are the things and more to consider if you want to maintain good travel hygiene.

Do you enjoy traveling a lot? What is your experience? let us know in the comment section!

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