Armpit Smell: Sweat is not the factor that causes armpit smell. If your armpit still smells bad even with good hygiene, and a bath, something is wrong.  Armpit smell is the smell given off when the sweat in your armpit region mixes with the bacteria on your skin. When someone feels like they’re still stinking after the shower, naturally it’s someone who is more apt to sweat and may have accumulated bacteria on the skin in concurrency with the sweat.

We all have a mix of “good” and “bad” bacteria living on the externals of our skin, including the skin in our armpits. “Usually these bacteria are in a proportional state. But occasionally that equalizer can become disrupted and cause an overgrowth of certain ‘bad’ bacteria, and that can cause body odor. Especially areas where there is hair in the body. Hair is mainly prone to tangling bacteria which is why we should take special care of the hair regions like the armpit.


Not bathing properly:  Some people do not pay enough attention to their armpits while showering, resulting in bacteria hiding in the armpits. Sometimes there are deodorant remains and dirt that are trapped in the underarm pores and within hair if you have armpit hair. So the key to eradicating body odor is to attack the bacteria development that lives in our armpits with a proper armpit washing routine.

 Some foods: Certain foods can amplify the armpit smell, try laying off these foods if you are prone to the armpit smell, foods like:

Some vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower contain sulfur, which your body absorbs and perspires through sweat. Eating these veggies can impact your armpit smell.

Red meat: Meat is more difficult to digest than other foods, so your body has to work harder to process it. The amino acids in red meat leave remain in your intestines. Your intestinal enzymes break down the remains during digestion, which mixes with bacteria on your skin and amplifies your armpit smell.

Fish:  Some fish contain vitamin B which produces a strong fishy smell. Some people who eat fish can perspire choline in their sweat.

Excuse caffeine: Caffeine boosts the central nervous system, raising your heart rate. Drinking hot coffee and tea can result in a high body temperature, which, in turn, can boost sweat and cause an armpit smell.


The reality is, that your sweat is naturally odorless and colorless. What causes the unpleasant smell is the bacteria that assemble on the sweaty skin and respond with sweat and oils to increase and multiply when sweat reacts with bacteria on the skin.

To control your body from smelling and bypass the humiliation of body odor, you should unravel the issue at its core “bacteria”. These are some of the ways to prevent a smelly armpit so you can stay refreshed and scent good always. You will thank me for the letter. Thank you.



  • Shower with Antibacterial Soap: bath regularly with Antibacterial soap to wash away sweat and odor-causing bacteria. These soaps are designed to remove and prevent odor. Take time to wash areas of the body that are more tending to sweating such as the armpit. Also, dry yourself totally to prevent bacteria from multiplying on your skin.
  • Shave the armpit hair: Hair is mainly prone to tangling bacteria, Underarm hair tangles more sweat, so the sweat has more time to mix with bacteria. Shaving or waxing can be considered to be practical for reducing smelly armpit
  • Use deodorants: deodorants mask the smell of odor-causing bacteria. To help avoid smelly armpits, use some deodorant in the morning and before bedtime. You can consult your Doctor if you can’t find a product that best suits you.
  • Wear-free clothes: the type of fabric you wear can also affect how much you sweat, the more sweat you produce the chances of saving odor-causing bacteria. Choose free and breathable fabrics such as cotton, wool, and silk to allow air to enter freely in other to keep sweat from building.
  • Wash your clothes regularly: Bacteria can easily accumulate and breed on used and dirty clothes, and unpleasant odors can stick when they are not washed properly. Be sure to regularly wash your clothes, so the awful smell from odor-causing bacteria doesn’t stick.
  • Shower more regularly: Irregular showering can cause bacteria to build up on your skin. Shower at least once daily, and scrub your extra-sweaty and hiding areas with a scent-free, deodorant soap. Stay away from extremely AND STRONGLY scented soaps, which can worsen the armpit smell.
  • Stay Hydrated: Water is life. Water refrigerates you, while calcium and potassium control the flow of fluids in your body. Stay hydrated with ample water and fluids to sustain your body’s temperature equilibrium.


Check out Natural Solutions for Armpit Smell “How can I stop the smell of my armpits without deodorant?” These inexpensive, natural solutions for armpit smell will help you fight armpit smell without going overboard or using artificial substances, so try them out if you’re itching to experiment in the kitchen. Most of these can be found in your local grocery shop or pantry.

Essential oils: These can help if you’re concerned about smelling like baking soda or rubbing alcohol. Antibacterial qualities can be found in some essential oils, such as those from lemongrass, lavender, thyme, and rosemary. To create your ideal aroma, combine a few of your favorite oils and apply a cotton ball to your pits.

Cornstarch and baking soda: Both of these substances have a built-in ability to absorb water. To make a powder that acts as a natural deodorant and antiperspirant, combine two parts of cornstarch with three parts baking soda.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV): ACV neutralizes the atmosphere and inhibits microorganisms that cause odors because it is naturally acidic and antimicrobial. Twice a day, apply apple cider vinegar to your armpit using a cotton ball dipped in it.

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil fights microorganisms that cause perspiration by acting as an astringent. Every day, apply tea tree oil to your armpit using a cotton ball soaked in the liquid.

Witch hazel: Apply witch hazel on a cotton ball to tighten skin tissues, decrease perspiration, and combat microorganisms that cause odors. Apply following a bath or shower.

Lemon juice: Apply a half-lemon directly to your armpits once a day to lower the pH of your skin and prevent bacteria from living there. Use water to dilute the lemon juice if you have sensitive skin.

Shea butter: For a more hydrating deodorant, consider this shea butter mask:


  1. Shea butter (3 T)
  2. Baking soda (3 T)
  3. two tsp worth of cocoa butter
  4. Two tablespoons cornstarch
  5. tsp of vitamin E oil
  6. Fragrance essential oil (optional)

In a saucepan over low heat, combine and melt all ingredients (except the oils); stir. Add your preferred essential oil and vitamin E oil. Transfer into a container and store in the refrigerator to solidify and cool. When not in use, keep chilled.

Applying acidic DIY remedies like witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice should be done with caution, particularly if you have sensitive skin. Use only on clean, dry skin to prevent burning or irritation. Never use them if you have any breaks or nicks in them, or immediately after shaving.

Rubbing alcohol: Odor-causing microorganisms are also eliminated by rubbing alcohol. The best thing, though? You likely have some in your medicine cabinet. Apply rubbing alcohol under your arms by dabbing it on a cotton ball or by filling a spray bottle with it.

Coconut oil: Because coconut oil has antiviral and antibacterial properties, it can lessen or eradicate bacteria that cause odors. Coconut oil can easily leave greasy stains on your clothing because of its low melting point of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. To make a coconut oil deodorant that lasts all day, follow this recipe:


  • 1/4 cup of baking soda
  • ¼ cup powdered arrowroot or cornstarch
  • Coconut oil.

In a bowl, mix cornstarch and baking soda. Gradually stir in coconut oil until a thick paste forms. When stored in an airtight container, homemade coconut can last up to two years. For optimal results, store in the refrigerator—and extra-cool pits!

Finally, the best way to leave a lasting scent, be confident, and not be self-conscious around people is to maintain proper hygiene, regular showers,  use of antiperspirant or deodorizing sprays to help manage body odor in the armpits, and hand washing with antibacterial soap and body Wash, for long-lasting fragrance. Consult with your doctor if the problem persists to ask for prescriptions that can help stop the smell.

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